Saturday, March 20, 2021


If you are thinking of buying a home in South Florida, whether as an investment, residence, vacation or permanent, it is important that you consider the possibilities you have of obtaining a mortgage loan. There are many financial institutions that offer loans, from local banks, online financial institutions, private lenders and large financial institutions in the United States. SOME INFLUENCING FACTORS TO DETERMINE INITIAL, TERM AND INTEREST RATES: • Your nationality • Legal status in the United States • If you have a credit history in the country • Your income and bank accounts Get a mortgage In South Florida, about 52% of buyers tend to pay in cash making the process much easier and faster, but with mortgage rates so low, (ranging between 4.5% - 6%) compared to those offered by their countries of origin, many choose to finance their purchase. Requirements to obtain a mortgage 1. Depending on the nationality of the buyer, a visa is required, all foreign buyers will have to present a copy of their passport with a valid tourist visa (B-1 or B-2). 2. At least 20% - 30% of the value of the home as a down payment in “Houses” 3. At least 30% - 50% of the home value as a down payment on “Condominiums and Townhouses” 4. Proof of income: ◦ Bank statements ◦ Letters of reference from your banking or credit institution ◦ Two forms of identification Other common requirements • Social Security number • Tax return • Form W2 • Account statement for the last 6 months • Proof of employment • Last 2 years of residence • Personal balance Loan costs The costs of obtaining a loan vary from institution to institution and from using a mortgage broker. We can use the following guidelines. • Direct with a local bank is usually cheaper, however, it will be limited to the specific products of that institution. • The use of a mortgage broker is very common and despite generally having a higher cost than going directly to a financial institution, you will have a much wider range of options. • Interest varies, among other things, based on credit history, monthly income, debt, and bank accounts. In the case of clients who do not have established credit, they will generally have a higher interest. • The initial varies according to: ◦ The type of property being acquired, ▪ House / Single Family Home: The initial is the lowest (10% - 20%) ▪ Townhouses: initial higher than houses (20% - 30%) ▪ Condominiums: It is the highest initial (40% - 50%) ◦ Nationality ◦ Foreigners without established credit in the USA, generally a minimum of 30% down payment is required and it increases according to the type of property that is acquired. What to do before applying for a loan? 1. Get your credit report BEFORE applying for the loan so that you have time to correct errors or problems in the history 2. Be clear about how much you can upfront (including closing costs) 3. Look for the best interest rate BUT take into account the other terms of the loan. 4. Compare quotes 5. Request a “good faith estimate” What NOT to do before applying for a loan? 1. Make "major" purchases through credit 2. Do not move important money from the accounts. 3. Apply for any type of loan (car, boat, credit cards, etc.) 4. Change your main place of residence 5. Open or close bank accounts How to estimate the total monthly payment when financing a property? The most important monthly expenses to calculate the total amount to pay are: • Mortgage • Insurance (flood, casualty, hurricanes) • Insurance against third parties (optional) • Condominium / expenses (maintenance fee / home owners association) • Property tax

Friday, March 19, 2021


Selling your home is probably one of the most important investments in your life, so the process of choosing a real estate agent should be taken seriously. He will be responsible for setting the sale price, marketing, open houses, speaking with potential buyers, and assisting through the sale process. Ask your friends and neighbors for personal recommendations, but take the time to interview several agents before making a decision. 10 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Realtor

 1. Knowledge and experience in your neighborhood: 
You must be able to answer the following 4 questions regarding your neighborhood: What is the average price per square foot of the units available? What is the average price per square foot of the units sold? On average, how many days does it take for properties to sell? Comparative analysis of prices and sales of the last 3 years and what is the future forecast.

 2. Price Range of Your Latest Sales: 
Find someone who typically works with houses in your price range to ensure familiarity with your market. 

 3. Number of properties sold in the last year: 
it is an indicator of experience. Greater number of properties = greater experience. 

 4. Neighborhood Experience: 
Familiarity, knowledge, and experience with your neighborhood can be the difference between "being for sale" and "selling." 

 5. Difference between the initial market price and the final sale price. 
Many brokers accept the price you want and then start asking for price reductions. Find someone who, through comparables, will assign a realistic sale price. 

 6. Property marketability: 
Marketing involves more than just an MLS listing. Find a good marketing plan. 

 7. Clarity:
 Find someone who is honest with you about the weaknesses in your home and how to fix them.

 8. Team:
 Find someone who can provide you with a team capable of providing legal, tax, succession and financial advice that are key in this process.

 9. Communication: 
Find someone who gives you frequent updates and that he or her team is available to answer any questions. 

 10. References: 
Ask for the names and phone numbers of the last 3 clients to confirm their satisfaction.


How do the stages influence the price? Properties in plans or pre-construction go through different stages. As construction progresses, prices tend to increase as well as deposits. However, not all developments have the same structure and many have incentives or attractions during different stages of construction. 1st. This stage is known as “reserve” in which the intention to acquire a “style” of unit in a “price range” is manifested and it is reserved with only 10%. 2nd. This stage is known as a "contract" in which a specific unit is reserved with a specific price. With the signing of this contract and a deposit equivalent to 20%, the 15 days of cancellation begin to count. 3rd. stage, known as “ground breaking”, where construction begins and another deposit is requested. 4th. stage is usually when reaching the middle of the building (exterior only) 5th. stage is usually at the end of the last floor (exterior only) 6th. stage, is the closing of the transaction. Terms that you should know before buying in pre-construction 1.-Unilateral Contract The Developer is the one who writes the contract and establishes all the rules, the buyer does not have the right to make any changes. 2.-Cancellation period Within this period (15 days from the signing of the contract), the buyer has the right (according to Florida law) to cancel the contract if he does not agree with any of its clauses, without any penalty. 3.-It is not transferable The contract is made in the name of the buyer or in the name of a company where this buyer is 100% owner. The property cannot be sold or transferred to a third person before the work is finished and the property deed has been executed, unless it has the consent of the Developer (Developer) 4.-Payment method In most projects a payment standard is followed, and may be different in some developments. 10% upon signing the contract 10% between 60 -90 days after the first deposit 10% at the start of construction 20% in the middle of the construction of the building (30th floor if it has 60 floors) 50% on the day of the deed of the property (closing day) 5.-Financing without contingency If for the final payment of the project the buyer requested a loan and it is not granted at the time of closing, and does not have the cash, the developer has the right to keep the total money delivered to date. In practice, the Developer suggests different lenders to facilitate this process. 6.-Breach of contract by the Developer If there is a breach on the part of the Developer, he must notify the buyers in writing, having a period of 7 days to solve it, if it is not fulfilled, the buyers would be fully entitled to claim their deposit with interest. 7.-Delivery time It can be 2 to 3 years if the purchase contract is signed at the beginning of the project, this time may be less depending on the stage of the project at the time of purchase. The finishes with which the units are delivered also influence the delivery time. 8.-Finishes It is important to make sure of the delivery conditions as this significantly influences the final investment; however, the "standard" in South Florida is that projects are delivered, like this: "Decorator ready", which is known as "ready to decorate" and means that it is delivered without floors and without paint. equipped with household appliances equipped with kitchen cabinets Complete bathrooms with and without floors. 9.-How to estimate closing costs when buying a pre-construction? The expenses to be paid at the time of the deed of the property vary if the transaction is cash or financed: Cash between 3% and 4% of the purchase price: Developer's Fee 1.75% to 2% Contribution to the 2-month condo Documentation stamps on transfer Owner's insurance policy title Other transfer costs Financed between 6% and 7% of the purchase price: Developer's Fee 1.75% to 2% Contribution to the 2-month condo Documentation stamps on transfer Title of the owner's insurance policy Mortgage registration and issuance Lender commission Other transfer costs

Thursday, March 18, 2021


Buyers and sellers have closing costs associated with the transaction. Therefore, it is important, before placing the property for sale, to have an estimate of the expenses that you will have to pay in order to finally be able to determine the amount you can count on once the transaction is finalized Most common closing costs for the seller:
1. Mortgage Balance
The balance of the existing loan, the balance of the second mortgage and lines of credit on the home.
2. Loan Fee Due
Administrative fee charged by the lender to pay off the loan.
3. Debt Release
Money owed to contractors and / or by court judgments or property taxes. These amounts must be paid before closing.
4. Penalty for Early Payment
Some loans have a penalty for early payment of the debt.
5. Registration Fees
Fees to pay to document that debts have been paid in full.
6. Commissions
The fees paid to the real estate brokers involved in the transaction. Generally 6% of the sale price and paid in full by the seller.

7. Notary Fees
The fees charged by the notary to verify the identity of the signatories of the document.
8. Trust Costs
Escrow agents receive money from the lender, pay all costs, collect deposits, and distribute proceeds to the lender / seller.
9. Title Search Costs
Proof that the seller has the legal right to sell the home. Title companies search public records and produce an insurance commitment that certifies that the seller owns the home and indicates the details of any liens or other rights that affect the title to the home.
10. Seller's Concessions
Amount that the seller agrees to give in order to help the buyer pay their closing costs.
11. Repairs
Work that the seller must complete (if applicable) prior to the sale, either as a result of the buyer's negotiation or as a condition of the lender.
12. Home Warranty
Home buyer's first year protection plan.
13. Termite Warranty
Documentation used in some parts of the country indicating that the home is free from termites. How to estimate closing costs? For practical purposes, the closing costs for the seller can be estimated as follows: • 1.5% on the sale price, PLUS • Property taxes accrued to date, PLUS • Mortgages and / or lines of credit that exist on the property, PLUS • Commissions (generally 6% of the sale price)

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

How to get the house of your dreams?

We bring you some ideas to get the house of your dreams without big budgets. A coat of paint, installing new floors, lacquering doors and renovating the decoration are some of the tips that we bring you here. You will surely think that you cannot cope with a reform due to the budget. Well, we have the solution! Did you know that a major renovation is not necessary to make a room seem totally different? A coat of paint, a new piece of furniture, some new doors and windows, a change in décor, it all adds up, and not exactly on the budget. We bring you some ideas to get "The house of your dreams" without big budgets.

A coat of paint

One of the main reform solutions, and with a minimum cost, is to give a new coat of paint to the rooms of a house. We not only propose to paint walls and ceilings, why not paint an old piece of furniture, kitchen furniture or doors and tiles? The options are almost endless. Take advantage of the summer, it is the best time to paint the house. The paint will dry faster.

Renew the doors Another low-cost reform that we propose is to renew, not change, the doors and baseboards of the house. Lacquer or paint the doors are two of the most used options.

Install wooden floors If you have a little more budget, we suggest installing new wooden floors. Without any doubt, along with painting, it is one of the best ways to achieve a total makeover at home. The installation of wooden floors are usually quite fast and affordable to all budgets. You will hardly notice that you are renovating at home. Of course, it is always preferable to have professional floor installers if you are looking for perfect finishes.


Tuesday, March 16, 2021

The demand for housing will fall by 26%

 Generally, the housing market needs more time to reflect macroeconomic changes. In this sense, 2021 will begin to show the direction that housing will take after the pandemic and the already concluded 2020. The crisis produced by Covid-19 has caused the sector's forecasts to turn completely: after a period of continued growth , has experienced an unexpected fall.

This seems to indicate that the shock will continue during this year, although the effects of this crisis will not be as explosive as those of the previous one. Even so, although the fall in prices is increasingly evident, this will not bring with it an increase in demand. The purchase of a house is closely linked to purchasing power and the possibility of getting into debt, and therefore, to job creation and the health of companies, which has been considerably reduced due to the economic crisis.

Colliers International, a global leader in real estate services and asset management, has just published a study that analyzes the behavior of the Real Estate market over the last year. Within the sector, the experience has been and will be very different in the different locations and product types, but there are two of the modalities that stand out and become the clear winners: rental and new construction. On the contrary, used housing and second homes have had the worst of it.

"The new construction has managed to resist much better reducing to less than half the decline suffered by second-hand housing," the report explains. In the first quarter, new housing transactions (11,286) fell 9.2% compared to the same period of the previous year, compared to 16.9% for used housing. In the second quarter, the new construction market fell by 22.1% compared to the second-hand market, which did so by 50%.

Fall in demand

The firm estimates that in 2021 the demand for home purchases could fall between 20% and 26% compared to the levels of 2019, mainly due to the reduction in used housing sales and a drastic reduction in foreign demand. Buying a new off-plan home allows the buyer to structure his purchase effort in a more appropriate way and to directly access the financing associated with the developer loan. This has been gaining ground to the used one, although the second hand one continues representing 79.5% of the total of the operations. According to the National Institute of Statistics (INE), in September 2020, new construction accounted for 22.2% of sales, increasing 16.97% from the previous year. In the case of the month of October, the last with available data, new housing has monopolized 20.5% of the market, compared to 18.6% in the same month last year. These figures suppose a growth in this type of housing, but they are still very far from those reached during the years of the crisis, when new construction came to represent more than half of all transactions. Too high a level of new construction leads banks to assume too high financial risks and the availability of financing is the most relevant aspect for their creation, along with the availability of land. None of these factors appear to be ever going back to their pre-crisis level. In all likelihood, the price falls will be mainly centered on used housing, due to the lower solvency of the owners and the need to liquidate some of these assets in the face of unemployment and uncertainty. The real estate radiography transmits, for the moment, uncertainty. Much of the information is difficult to process, even in the midst of an international economic recession. This situation leaves little certainty about the long-term future of the housing markets. The pandemic has paralyzed a totally dynamic sector. Although this crisis has nothing to do with the cyclical correction, it could bring some structural change.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Where and how to invest in the United States Real Estate market

Best Cities To Invest In Real Estate in the United States The best cities to invest in real estate in the United States have 3 things in common: jobs, population growth and good prices in the real estate market. In this guide we show you the best cities in which to buy a house and the advantages of each one.

Best cities to buy properties in the United States in 2021 There are several cities in the United States recommended to live. Many of them offer a good lifestyle with relatively low house prices, around less than $ 120,000. 1. Orlando, Florida
Median Home Sales Price: $ 120,000
Median Monthly Rental Price: $ 1050 Orlando is one of the best places to buy property in all of Florida. There are many reasons why it is one of the best cities to invest in real estate in the United States. Located in the region of the sun, the area is known for its warm climate, beaches and training. In addition, it is the city where the famous Disney World and Universal Studios amusement parks are located.

It is not uncommon for there to be many real estate agents or realtors in Floridad, as the demand for family homes has been on the rise in recent years. Still, it is possible to purchase fully renovated properties in good
Florida neighborhoods for less than $ 120,000. Plus, they can be rented for more than 1% of the purchase price, which is a good real estate investment. Florida's beaches are renowned for their beauty and Orlando's great tourist attraction is supremely interesting. You can easily buy a house or apartment and rent it on Airbnb thanks to the number of tourists that come to this city every year. Most interestingly, despite incredibly low home prices, many people choose to rent rather than buy. This can be a good investment with a return of 8% per year if you want to invest in properties. We think Orlando is one of the best cities to invest in real estate in America because property taxes and insurance are low. Also, there is no state tax. This means that you can pay less taxes in this city.

Orlando, Florida is one of the best cities to invest in real estate for these reasons: Orlando is the fourth largest metropolitan area in the country. It is also the # 16 fastest growing city in America in 2021. 60 million people visited the Orlando area last year. It is one of the most visited tourist destinations in the USA. Orlando's population has grown 41% in the last 10 years. Mortgage laws have helped keep home prices well below average.

2. Tampa, Florida

Median home sales price: $ 102,500 Median Monthly Rent Price: $ 1075 Located on the west coast of Florida, Tampa Bay is the second most populous metropolitan area (the first is Miami). The city has a population of more than 4 million people. Major cities in this area include Clearwater, St. Petersburg, New Port Richey, Holiday, and Tampa. Tampa is one of the best cities to invest in real estate in the United States for several reasons: The local economy has been rated one of the 20 fastest growing in the United States. It also has a strong local economy with a strong focus on growth in areas such as financial services and healthcare. The Greater Tampa Bay area is ranked among the 20 fastest growing metropolitan areas in the USA. Tampa is home to more than 19 companies with annual revenues of more than $ 1 billion and 4 Fortune 500 companies. Tampa has a highly diversified economy with financial services, healthcare, research, education, and tourism. This attracts a large number of job seekers. Tampa, Florida is a good city to invest in property for these reasons:

Tampa has a population of 4 million and a local economy is worth over $ 130 billion. It is ranked among the 20 fastest growing cities in the United States. Tampa still has areas where real estate investors can find affordable housing, even as low as $ 90,000. These homes rent for $ 950 per month up to $ 1250 per month. The city is home to numerous Fortune 500 companies, including Publix Super Markets Inc., Jabil Circuit Inc., and WellCare Health Plans, Inc. Tampa continues to be a fantastic market to invest in real estate in the United States. The city provides many short-term rental opportunities.

3. Jacksonville, Florida

Median home sales price: $ 153,400
Average monthly rental price: $ 850 - $ 1000 In the last 10 years, the Jacksonville metropolitan area has grown by 20%. To date there are 1.3 million people living in this area, and the number is growing every year.
There are many reasons for this growth, and you can benefit if you want to invest in real estate in the United States. For starters, Jacksonville has a premium healthcare system. It has more than 20 hospitals and a growing bioscience community. Additionally, 13 Forbes Global 500 companies have operations in Jacksonville. With a cost of living below the national average, a wonderful climate and a good environment to start a business, we believe that Jacksonville is one of the best cities to invest in real estate in America. Jacksonville, Florida is good for investing in property for these reasons:

Jacksonville's population has grown 24.1% in population in the last decade. This is faster than Miami (16.4%) and Tampa (19.8%).
Job growth in Jacksonville is projected for nearly 40% over the next 10 years. In Jacksonville, the median home price is about $ 153,400, 23% less than the national average. A $ 100,000 home rents for 20.31% more than the national average. The expansion of the Panama Canal will help bring jobs to Jacksonville. This will likely result in population growth.

4. Cape Coral, Florida

Median home sales price: $ 199,500
Median Monthly Rental Price: $ 1,500 Known as Florida's "boater's paradise," Cape Coral is a fantastic area to invest in American real estate. This city is extremely promising, with a strong possibility of appreciation in the future. The interesting thing about this area is Cape Coral has been a vacation destination for many tourists. As a result, it was one of the worst hit cities during the 2008 real estate crisis. Property values ​​plummeted. However, the situation has changed. We think this is one of the best cities to invest in real estate in America as our research revealed that many baby boomers or retirees are retiring to Cape Coral. This means that vacation homes are becoming primary residences. As a result, rents in Cape Coral have increased by more than 26% in the last 12 months. And the retiree population remains one of the fastest growing groups in the United States.

Cape Coral, Florida is a good city to invest for these reasons:
Rent in Cape Coral 25.4% in the fourth quarter of 2015. Cape Coral has a faster rate of growth than major cities in the United States, such as San Francisco and Dallas. A 3 bedroom Cape Coral home rents for about $ 1,500 a month. 3 years ago, the median rent was $ 830. The city's population continues to grow rapidly, being one of the fastest growing in the United States.

5. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Median home sales price: $ 150,000
Median Monthly Rental Price: $ 1,200 With a population of over 2.4 million, the Pittsburgh metropolitan area is the 22nd largest city in the United States. Pittsburg is known as "the city of bridges" as it has more than 446 bridges throughout the city.

Pittsburgh is home to great American companies. This makes it one of the best cities to invest in real estate in the United States, as its economy remains moderate. Its economy thrives on sectors such as health, education, technology, robotics, financial services, glass, and even film production. The region is also known for the production of oil and natural gas. It is also home to global financial institutions, including PNC Financial Services, the fifth largest bank in the United States. It is ranked as one of the 12 places to invest by the Pittsburgh Post Gazette. It is also one of the top 10 markets for home growth and remodeling. Prices in family homes have increased 12.6% and salaries offer a good lifestyle. This is why we believe that Pittsburgh is one of the best cities to invest in real estate in the United States.

Investing in real estate in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania makes sense because: The median sales price of a home in Pittsburgh remains low. However, you can get properties for $ 75,000 to $ 100,000. The average rent is around $ 1200 a month. This provides an opportunity for a quick and considerable return. In some areas, a 2-bedroom home rents for $ 1,550. The area enjoys a steady growth in home values, with an average increase of 2% per year.

6. Huntsville And Montgomery, Alabama

Median home sales price: $ 125,000
Median Monthly Rent Price: $ 900 Huntsville is the fourth city in Alabama, located in the northern part of the state. It is known for its rich heritage and a legacy of space missions. For this reason, it earned the nickname "Rocket City" during the 1960s.
Today, Huntsville is one of the best-known cities in the United States and one of the best cities to invest in real estate in the United States. Huntsville has recently been called one of the most affordable cities in the USA.
The city is known for its technology, space and defense industry. In fact, it has a NASA Marshall space center. The city is also the country for several Fortune 500 companies, which provide a broad base of factories and many jobs for its residents. Montgomery, Alabama, was one of 20 cities nominated as America's Best Historic City. The city has 8 colleges and universities. This gives way to more than 20,000 students inhabiting it. Median monthly rent in Montgomery is $ 818, one of the lowest in America. This can represent a great opportunity when investing in real estate in the United States. Montgomery and Huntsville enjoy low tax rates, which increases the return on investment. Additionally, homes and dwellings are between an average of $ 125,000. Thanks to the number of jobs this city offers, investors with quality housing can attract solid long-term tenants. It is also not uncommon to see foreclosure houses, 44% off their actual price.

Investing in properties in Huntsville and Montgomery, Alabama is good because: Huntsville is home to several prestigious universities, including Alabama A&M University, Oakwood University, and Alabama University. The Huntsville Space Center (S. Space & Rocket) Center is one of the most visited tourist attractions on the planet. Huntsville is known for its technology, space, and defense industries. Huntsville continues to lead growth in Alabama. It grows faster than any other city in the state. Huntsville enjoys low tax rates.

7. Houston, Texas

Median Home Sales Price: $ 392,674
Median Monthly Rent Price: $ 1,600 Houston is home to NASA Mission Control and an oil city. With 5.5 million inhabitants and a population growth of 15% in the last decade, this city offers many jobs, housing, leisure and outdoor activities. Home prices in Houston continue to climb, despite the recent decline in oil prices. Houston offers a stable real estate market, capable of growing the capital of the real estate investor. The city continues to attract many Americans for its jobs and city with the lowest cost of living. As a result, the demand for rentals in Houston is constantly increasing. These are great signs for investing in real estate in the United States.
Houston, Texas is a good city to invest in property for these reasons: Home prices rose 9.5% from last year Houston has great growth in new homes, but there is still not enough inventory to meet the demand. Prices are expected to continue to rise in 2021. The median rent is $ 1,600 and this number continues to grow. This makes it one of the best cities to invest in real estate in the United States. The area has many more than 1,475 foreclosure houses, allowing for a discount of up to 40%. The oil industry had been the largest employer for many years, but population growth has attracted new jobs.

8.  Cleveland, Ohio

Median Home Sales Price: $ 139,900
Median Monthly Rent Price: $ 850 Cleveland is one of the best real estate markets in the country, offering investors high liquidity and future growth. With a population of more than 2 million people, Cleveland has the 12th largest economic region in the United States. The growth of the city has attracted many millennials and people between 18 and 34 years of age. This demographic shift represents more professional workers and a much younger average population. Why? Downtown Cleveland has seen a renaissance in the last 5 years, with more than $ 19 billion invested in the last 10 years. This has created a mini boom in Cleveland, which is why it ranks high on our list of the best cities to invest in real estate in America. If you have the time to look for a good investment opportunity, you can buy a property in a good area for $ 70,000 to $ 85,000 and rent it for $ 800 to $ 1,000 a month.

Cleveland, Ohio is a good city to invest in real estate for these reasons: Cleveland has the fastest growing healthcare market in the United States (thanks to the renowned Cleveland Clinic). The city is known as a global center for health and innovation and is host to many medical conventions. It is home to 10 Fortune 500 companies and the number of jobs is abundant It has the second largest theater district in the United States, second only to New York. It is home to 3 of the nation's top sports teams, bringing billions of dollars to the area each year.

9. Cincinnati And Dayton, Ohio

Median Home Sales Price: $ 139,900
Median Monthly Rent Price: $ 1,150 Cincinnati is a unique and historic city, located in Ohio. Winston Churchill once said that "Cincinnati is the most beautiful of the inner cities of the American Union." It seems that a lot of people today agree with Churchill. With a population of 2.1 million, Cincinnati is one of the best cities to invest in real estate in the United States. This city is growing rapidly. Cincinnati and the neighboring city, Dayton are being developed in the commercial and residential area at an unprecedented rate. In fact, the area is among the 25 fastest growing cities in the United States. However, the cost of living and housing remain well below the national average. This represents an investment opportunity. Cincinnati has become a popular corporate office relocation destination. It is home to 10 Fortune 500 companies and 17 Fortune 1000 companies. These are all good signs for investors looking to make money off property and get rental cash flow.

Cincinnati and Dayton, Ohio are good cities to invest in real estate because: The area is among the 25 fastest growing cities in the United States. The area is 4th in the United States with new medical facilities Cincinnati recently completed an expansion of more than $ 160 million. Cincinnati was named one of the 10 hottest housing markets last year.

10. Chicago, Illinois

Median Home Sales Price: $ 252,000
Median Monthly Rental Price: $ 1,550 Known for its towering skyscrapers and famous businesses, "Windy City" is one of the few remaining US markets where great investment opportunities can still be found. It is very easy to see why it is one of the best cities to invest in real estate in the United States. Even though real estate prices have skyrocketed in the Chicago metropolitan area, you can find a great investment opportunity when buying homes outside of the city and in the suburbs. Prices in some of these areas have increased as much as 14%, just in the last year. However, many experts consider that the area is still undervalued. You can get rental houses for $ 80,000 to $ 150,000 and rent them at 1.2% of the purchase price. All of these factors indicate that Chicago is home to good news for property investors. In fact, Chicago is one of the last markets where home prices have yet to rise beyond their pre-2008 economic recession levels. Much of it is due to difficult-to-enforce laws. Smart investors can take advantage of this situation and purchase properties at a bargain price.

Chicago, Illinois is a good real estate investment opportunity: Chicago is the 3rd largest city in the United States and the 4th most economically powerful city in the world. It is still possible to find homes for sale for $ 120,000 to $ 160,000 Average rent is $ 1,550 per month. 57% of the population in Chicago live in rented houses 83% of Chicagoans live in a household for 1 year or more

11. Indianapolis, Indiana

Median Home Sales Price: $ 146,900
Median Monthly Rent Price: $ 900 With a metropolitan area of ​​nearly 2 million people, Indianapolis is the second largest city in the Midwest and the # 14 largest in the United States. Indianapolis home prices and cost of living are well below the national average. This makes it one of the best cities to invest in real estate in the United States. Indianapolis also has diverse jobs, great schools and universities. Sports teams are an important part of the economy. All of these factors indicate that it is a good time to become a homeowner in this city. You can buy already renovated properties for just $ 60,000 to $ 120,000 and rent them for $ 800 to $ 900. Indianapolis, Indiana is a good city to invest in real estate for these reasons: 3 Fortune 500 companies are headquartered in Indianapolis This city offers tax incentives for startups. Their jobs are expected to grow rapidly in the coming years It has a distribution center for companies such as FedEx, Amazon and Target Bio-tech jobs have grown rapidly in recent years.

12. Kansas City, Missouri

Median home sales price: $ 163,300
Average Monthly Rental Price: $ 800 - $ 1000 Kansas City is a city known for its sports, arts, and culture. What you probably don't know is that it is one of the most affordable cities to live in and one of the best cities to invest in real estate in the United States. In the last decade, the population in the metropolitan area has increased by 10.85%. Thanks to this, Kansas City has become an important sector for health, manufacturing and the automotive industry. In fact, the city creates more than 10,000 jobs on average year after year.

This population and economic growth is impressive. In recent years, many Americans have moved to Kansas City looking for companies and jobs. The result: These affordable markets are seeing a steady increase in rental demand.

13. Detroit, Michigan

Median home sales price: $ 65,000
Median Monthly Rent Price: $ 900 Detroit, the largest city in the state of Michigan, is known as the automotive capital of the world. The metropolitan area is home to companies such as General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler. This offers a wide range of jobs and the city receives billions of dollars invested in infrastructure every year. Detroit is also home to 100 Fortune 500 companies, including Quicken Loans, Kellogg’s, Whirlpool, and Walmart. It is also receiving investment in the areas of health, defense, aerospace and logistics. It's impossible for Detroit to go unnoticed when looking for the best cities to invest in America's real estate. Our research found that this may be the city with the best investment opportunity on our list. It may not seem like it due to the bad news that is being heard about this city, but the reforms that are expected in the coming years represent a great opportunity. Downtown Detroit is being totally revitalized with billions of dollars of real estate and construction activity. Also, many of the abandoned properties have been renovated. The truth is that Detroit is being revitalized and no one is talking about it. Best of all, you can buy renovated properties for $ 80,000 and in some cases as low as $ 50,000. For this reason we believe that Detroit is one of the best places to invest in rental properties in 2021.

The city of Detroit, Michigan is good for investing in property for these reasons: Detroit is also home to nearly 100 Fortune 500 companies Despite its reputation, several of the fastest growing industries are investing in sectors such as healthcare, defense, aerospace and logistics. The Michigan Business Development Program provides grants, loans, and other financial assistance to businesses. Michigan income taxes are among the lowest in the nation Michigan also has a lower cost of living than any other Midwestern state

14. Atlanta, Georgia

Median home sales price: $ 174,000
Median Monthly Rent Price: $ 1,335 For decades the Atlanta metropolitan area had experienced rapid growth, attracting families from across the southern United States. The population grew about 4% a year, but the economic recession put an end to this rapid growth. However, Atlanta is coming back to life and attracting a large population thanks to its property prices and low cost of living. We consider Atlanta among the best cities to invest in real estate in the United States as rental prices are among the highest returns in the country. You can buy a house for $ 125,000 to $ 175,000 and rent it for $ 1,3000. Additionally, property values ​​have risen 3% year-over-year in the last decade. Many companies have looked to Atlanta as their headquarters, including many film and movie production companies. This has created tons of jobs and continues to attract residents. Our prediction: In the next few years many people will call Atlanta their new home. Atlanta, Georgia is a good city to invest in property because: Last year 3-bedroom homes in Atlanta increased in value by 8.57%. This is much more than the average for the rest of the United States. Last year, the rental price of single-family homes grew by an average of 4.11%. Atlanta's population continues to grow at a faster rate than the national average. In the last year, 74,500 new jobs were created in Atlanta, with an annual growth rate of 2.85%.


If you are thinking of buying a home in South Florida, whether as an investment, residence, vacation or permanent, it is important that you...